Sources of Knowledge (SOK) originally functioned as a subcommittee of the Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) for Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park. PAC was created when the two parks were established in 1987 to advise Parks Canada on park management, help communicate information about emerging issues with member organizations and undertake initiatives that benefit the national parks and the local people. In 2008 the SOK subcommittee was formed to “organize a forum to report on ongoing research in the greater park ecosystem and to develop a model for a larger knowledge network”.
Today Sources of Knowledge is an independent and legally incorporated charitable organization (Registered Charity Number 83042 9486 RR0001). The annual Forum is perhaps our most recognized contribution, but increasingly we are supporting and collaborating on other learning opportunities with the schools and other groups in the area.
The Forum focuses on how research in Bruce Peninsula National Park, Fathom Five National Marine Park, and the surrounding communities contributes to knowledge of the Saugeen-Bruce Peninsula’s natural and cultural history. It is a regular means of presenting results of research activities, perspectives about current challenges, and their implications for decision-making. It provides students, educators, researchers, citizens, business operators and policy-makers with access to networks, information and ideas through which local knowledge can be integrated into their respective interests. Its purview has expanded beyond the “greater park ecosystem” to include the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula as a whole.
We recognize, the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula is a unique landscape, rich in natural and cultural heritage, well known for its protected areas and conservation efforts. We envisage a place where knowledge and learning guides community well-being, inspires actions for a healthy environment and forms the basis of a civil society.
To build on and share relevant research and local knowledge in partnership and collaboration with individuals, community organizations, schools, post-secondary institutions, businesses, Aboriginal people, and government agencies.
To operate as a forum that advocates and celebrates engagement in conservation, community well-being, and sustainability.
To contribute to the creation of knowledge through the development of research and learning on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula.
To encourage and enable youth to be stewards of this remarkable place.